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Presidents Day

February 22, 2011

My sister, aunt, cousin, momma, and I went to an outlet mall yesterday. It was AMAZING and I walked away with four pairs of shoes and a few tees. My FAVORITE purchase of the day, hands down, were these GOLD SHINY LOAFERS.

Why Yes, I Did Buy These

The awesomeness was overwhelming and I could NOT leave them behind. Needless to say I was the only one who felt that way, haha!

Lilybuns spent the night at her cousins house so I wasn’t greeted by her when I came home last night 😦
It’s ridiculous how much I love this little girl!!! A few hours away from her and I’m already requesting pictures (MMS). I don’t know what I’m going to do for my Euro trip! Hopefully by then I’ll have her portrait on me *crosses fingers*

Oh yes, how can I not mention that my Aunty is teaching her all kinds of tricks? Lily now knows “drop”, “leave”, and “take”. The picture above shows Lily leaving a treat. She won’t try and eat it until we say “take”.

Happy Tuesday!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. February 22, 2011 4:53 pm

    Shiny gold loafers are the best. I have a pair that are actually orthopedic shoes that I got for $2 at Salvation Army. They are the most comfortable shoes I own. I would live in them year round if they weren’t so slippery with tights/socks.

  2. February 23, 2011 4:53 am

    You had a good day at the mall outlet. You and gold shoes thats you!!! I have found anyone who is a true animal lover is a good person. Who are you going to leave Lily with when you go on your Euro trip? Lily learning new tricks she is so smart, just like her Momma!

  3. corneliuslives permalink
    February 23, 2011 10:10 pm

    I L-O-V-E your dogs. Can I has plz?

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